Best of the Best

Where's the best places to eat? Which dorms are the best for you? Best places to go for a run...and more! We look forward to bringing you the best of what Cal has to offer.

To get you started, here are some websites you must know:

1. Ninja Courses

This site was created by a couple of brilliant Berkeley students (go Bears!) and is the number one site Cal students must take advantage of. While it is in the process of expanding throughout the UC system - and eventually probably even further - it's purpose is to provide students a way to schedule classes before going to Tele Bears (see below for more on that site).

2. Course Rank

Another great site for Cal students, Course Rank is a great source for students to see just how difficult Chem 1A really is. This site has grade distributions as well as student reviews of courses, so this is another must see.

3. Bear Facts

This is a site run by the UC campus and stores all of your necessities from your class schedule and financial payments to your registration and transcript.

4. Tele Bears

No UC Berkeley student likes telebears. I just wanted to get that out of the way. This site is where you officially type in codes to register for the classes of your choice (which you can see on the Scheduling site). It crashes frequently and kills you when you get a bounce back because a class is full that you had planned to take. Get used to it and plan early. And never forget your telebears appointment time. Never.

5. Cal Dining

Your best friend during the school year. Sometimes Crossroads is terrible and Cafe 3 is amazing or vice versa. Don't make the mistake of missing the rare fancy dinner at one or the other (I'm talking lobster, crab, barbeque ribs...they do it big occasionally.) I was never one of those people to say "wow, XR is awful." Sure, they have off nights but don't we all? Unless your standard is five-star restaurants, the dining halls are perfectly good considering the variety and quantity of options. And you must go to Foothill for Saturday brunches at least once. (And you probably won't go just once, because if you go once you are bound to go again.)

6. Library Hours

You're inevitably going to spend hours upon hours in the Berkeley libraries. Whether it's Moffitt or Main Stacks, this site is your best friend. Looking for a new library? Check out the hours at places like the Law Library or East Asian or one of the many, many libraries here.

7. Daily Cal

The Daily Californian is the official newspaper of UC Berkeley and is independently run. Check it out for relevant news from this very popular college newspaper.

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